Sunday, April 10, 2016

Tutorial DOTA 2: The terms that you must know in DOTA 2

Free PC Games Tutorial DOTA 2, Once we know about the profile of the game Dota 2, Basic Game This time we will inform you about the term or dictionary that is often used in DOTA 2. This term will help you to communicate and understand when you play the game DOTA 2.

DOTA 2 Tutorials
DOTA 2 Tutorials

The Glossary/Dictionary of  DOTA 2

  • AFK (away from keyboard): afk means a hero who is a hero who is not moving
  • AOE (area of ​​effect): means a spell that is impacting a certain radius aread
  • Back / b: mean we should retreat, people who say it decided not to go forward and take us backwards
  • Backdoor: means the tower which has a backdoor and we need creep wave to destroy
  • BKB: means the black king bar, one item to spell immune
  • Buff: means something to add something positive to the hero, usually marked with the icon above healthbar
  • Buyback / BB: namely pay to live again
  • Cooldown / CD: means a skill or item is on cooldown time and were not useable
  • Creep score / CS: means the last hit and deny that we have
  • Damage per second / DPS: shall mean any damage given every second
  • Debuff: the opposite of the debuff, the negative status of the hero
  • Def: means we have to defend a building
  • Farm: collecting gold and XP
  • Feeder: mean people / players who often die and leave XP and gold to the enemy
  • Gank: attack enemies together
  • Gold per minute / GPM: gold you can every minute
  • GG (good game) or GGWP (good game well played): means the states of a good game, it is usually said to be the end of the match
  • GLHF (good luck have fun): a statement for good luck
  • HEX: ie disable the enemy, for example skill 2 lion who makes an enemy into a fish
  • INC / incoming: coming soon
  • Minion: unit that you can control
  • Miss / missing: means there is something missing in the lane (the enemy hero)
  • Micromanagement / micro: many control units, for example Meepo and Lone Druid
  • Snowball: the term for the pressure on the enemy team that is aggressive
  • OOM (out of nowhere): means where exhausted or less
  • Pull: interesting neutral creep lane to lane creep creep so as not pushing and let carry farm
  • Roshan / RS: means roshan, neutral creep in the area under the dire
  • Smoke: means the item smoke of deceit
  • Tower dive: means to attack enemies who are close to towernya
  • TP: town portal scrolls, used to teleport
  • True sight: means vision without limits, can be viewed Invincible enemy
  • Ulti / SS: means the ultimate, the last skill most powerful hero
  • Wipe: means a dead team all
  • WP, well played: means a good game
  • XP: meaningful experiences
In addition there are more languages ​​that usually appears in DOTA 2, and additional server asia
  • GTFO: that he does not want people to be here diakatai
  • STFU: mean he wants people to be told to be quiet
  • Noob: means new players (newbie) is usually less know how to play the right
  • Retard: people deemed retardation
  • Report: means the report someone to the valve for the tire
  • Lag / spike: means an interruption in the connection or fps that make players play poorly
  • Ping: is how far away you are from the server (the smaller the better)
  • KS: kill steal, meaning people who kill people to be told had taken who say, can also say nyampah
  • WTF: what the fuck means the person is shocked or confused about something (angrily)
  • g: means go or forward
  • fat: a hero means that many farm / kill and be very strong
  • Tangina: coarse language pinoy 1
  • Bobo / bogo: coarse language pinoy 2
  • Kanga: coarse language pinoy 3 (note: if you've seen people say pinoy gini 3 abusive language in your team, your game finished dah)
  • Cyka: coarse language russia 1
  • Blyat: coarse language russia 2
  • REKT: wrecked that tormented
  • Baby hero: a hero who is considered very easy to play
  • EZ: means easy or convenient, usually to ridicule
  • Fail mid: mid mean that failed in early and make the losing team
  • W8: can we interpret as a wait or wait
  • M8: means mate or friend
There are also some abbreviations often used
  • Naix: Lifestealer
  • Bs: bloodseeker
  • Sf / nevermore: shadow fiend
  • Mortred: phantom assassin
  • Davion: Dragon Knight
  • Bara / Barathrum: Spirit breaker
  • Skeleton king: Wraith king
  • Magina: Anti-Mage
  • Furion: Nature's prophet
  • Ball / wisp: IO
  • Lanaya: templar assassin
  • Zues: Zeus
  • Fishboy: Slardar / Slark
  • LC: legion commander
  • Yunero: Juggernaut
  • Traxex / XEX: drow ranger
  • Windrunner: Windranger
  • Dirge: Undying
  • Gondar: Bounty hunter
  • Chuck Norris: Omniknight
  • Ck: chaos knight
  • Es: earth shaker / earth spirit
  • MKB: monkey king bar
  • MoM: mask of madness
  • vlad: Vladimir's offering
  • Aghs: Aghanim Scepter
Ok Thus is Dictionary of DOTA 2 Games, may be add your knows about this game. 

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