Tuesday, July 12, 2016

12 Extreme Tips/Tricks to Play Dota 2 Better (Non Herro Bassed)

12 Extreme Tips/Tricks to Play Dota 2 Better. hello Gamers, now i will share you about 7 Extreme Tips/Tricks to Play Dota 2 Better. I have learnt some valuable lessons about DoTA 2 from quora which I want to share with you. This guide will help you to Play Dota 2 Better. Don’t worry, this game is relatively easy to understand but hard to master.  How to play it though is still pretty straightforward. I can help you out for the understanding part. And even if you consider yourself a good player, read through the tips, as they might have some new information.

12 Extreme Tips/Tricks to Play Dota 2 Better (Non Herro Bassed)

  1. Stack Away : Camp stacking. Luring out the neutral creeps instead of clearing them out and waiting for them to respawn. Timing is the most imporatnt thing here. A very effective trick for the laning phase as well as the jungling role. 
    Tips Dota 2
    Tips Dota 2
  2. The 'T' and the 'P' --- Keep a TP. Always. Atleast past the laning phase , when the game shifts into tower takedowns and mass rotations. Town Portal Scrolls are a game changing item. They help you get out of tricky situations. They help you get into ganks to demolish the other team. They help you get to a tower in order to assist your team and save the tower. There is a reason why Furion is played with so many different gameplay styles. You can also trick the opponent by faking a teleport. ( Can be observed in OG vs Secret -final game Frankfurt Major 2015). All you have to do is cast a teleport and cancel it as the opponent does something rash.
  3. Oldest Trick in the Book: A Dota2 Fundamental technique to execute skills rapidly -- the SHIFT-QUEUE. Stack up skills to execute them without added delay of clicking-aiming and executing. Thinking beyond using this for Lion and Lina's skills, some important Shift-Queue executions are -
    Tinker -- (Hero Kill) -- Teleport->Laser->Rocket->Dagon->Shivas->Hex->March of Machines->Rearm->Hex->Laser->Rocket->>>>
    Tinker -- (Farming/Pushing Lanes) -- Teleport->Blink->March of Machines->Shivas->Rearm->March of Machines->Shivas->Blink (Ahead in lane , Edge of the map)->Rearm->Blink ahead->March of Machines->Shivas Guard(Next oncoming wave) ->Teleport.
    Invoker -- No explanation needed here.
      Sand King -- Veil of Discord->Epicentre->Blink->BurrowStrike(Calculated guess to hit maximum)->Shivas->SandStorm. (Refresher makes this one interesting)
  4. Something magical : Rune control is a very sensitive aspect in the game. It is overlooked most of the times but you give you an edge in battle. Warding the runes is always helpful, especially for mid heroes.
  5. Sway the attack:  This trick is pretty well-known. Change the tower's attack target by right clicking your creeps or your allies or your illusions. The tower will redirect its attack towards the unit. It allows you to tower dive and kill. It allows you to get a break in climax moments and health critical moments.
  6. Up and above :Never take an uphill fight unless its crucial or a kill secure situation. You miss 25% of your attacks and the fog of war can help the opponent play mind games. This is not just important for the mid-solo but more for the Tier-3 tower take down. Ofcourse effective warding can solve this problem.
  7. Toggle and piss:The Basilius Micromanagement can be very helpful to mid heroes in the initial farming phase. Toggle the ring of basilius on/off during normal/last hits of the enemy. It will throw him off his game and make him miss most of his attempts to secure gold while pissing him off. You basically ruin his judgement as the basilius armor toggling denies him the gold he wants so badly. Can be done with Aquila too.
  8. Supply and Demand - Quick buy. Quick sell. Dota 2 provides full refund if item purchased is sold withing 10 seconds. Effectively , if I am low on health, I can purchase a ring of health/regen and heal up and quickly sell it off too. Timing should be managed efficiently and your laning phase will be smoother. Certainly better than asking for tangos/going back to base/courier usage for heals.
  9. Sip please :Hand over your empty/partially filled bottle to a friendly who teleports to your lane from the base. Your bottle turns up full because of the fountain effect. Also if you are the one that teleports, than give it to someone at low health/mana and take it back, while the effect perisists. You can also pass the rune , by allowing ally to collect the rune and use it, and give you your bottle back.
  10. Switch Case --- Switching your power treads to manage mana, attack damage, attack speed , health can be very helpful in your overall hero output.
        STR -- When being attacked
        INT -- When casting a spell
        AGI -- Regen health and mana.
        Primary attribute -- Offensive mode/Attacking/Pushing.
  11. Pull and then pull again :Double pulling gets you more gold with a little more effort. Again timing matters here . Instead of pulling just one camp towards your creeps , you pull another camp. Same old tactic. When the last camp neutral is about to die , pull the next camp neutrals towards the previous camp and your creeps will move there to attack the fresh set of neutrals. If timing is managed perfectly and your creep wave has a siege cart, you can pull a third camp too.
  12. Just before I die :Buy some teleports to save your gold before you die. You really want your hard-earned gold to just go away?

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