Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Dota 2 Games. Hello My friends now I will inform you about information how to play DOTA 2. DOTA 2 is a game that initially only divert a mod in a game called World of Warcraft, made by Blizzard. DotA or defense of the ancient was first created as a mod in Warcraft 3 by a mystery man who calls himself as IceFrog. Most heroes in DotA was actually inspired by the heroes in the game Warcraft. Then came the idea of ​​IceFrog to build its own DotA game, and finally created with the cooperation of the valve into the game with the source engine called DOTA 2.
Dota 2 Free Games review
Dota 2 Free Games review
So actually DOTA 2 with not much different to the DOTA, heroes in DOTA 2 was derived from DotA. DOTA 2 is a real time strategy game, you must choose a character or hero of many heroes. DOTA 2 Keep in mind you will only control one hero / unit, but some heroes can make some units as well, but generally you only control one hero and does not need to control the unit more than 10. The main objective in DOTA 2 is actually destroying the ancient enemy, if the ancient enemy is destroyed then the team will win. In DOTA 2 there are a lot of things will have to achieve, for example, and item level, the higher the level the better the item or the hero that you use will be stronger.

Things you should know before starting DOTA 2

  • DOTA 2 is a game that is 100% free
  • DOTA 2 is not a game pay2win which means people are more affluent or those who buy and purchase items with money not became easier to win (unlike the more expensive the gun pointblank that he is getting stronger)
  • DOTA 2 can result in excessive addiction
  • 1 match DOTA 2 average duration of about 40-50menit, before that you also have to find a match and start, so it is likely to take about 1 hour each time to play. So gird time
  • DOTA 2 greatly affect your psyche, because you will be provoked emotions (though not always, but most people have become more aggressive after often playing DOTA 2)
  • The more often you play, the more in love with DOTA 2, which resulted in you will be tempted by costumes, objects and so forth in DOTA 2 and make you pay
  • DOTA 2 is not a game that is static, which means there's the possibility of DOTA 2 will always be updated at a certain time, the update must be downloaded first before starting the game again, the update can drastically change the game mechanics
This is my first article about dota 2 may help. I will present a tutorial or guide on how to play dota 2 so you can play this game well.

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